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30 August 2002 - 2:57 a.m.

Listening: Lou Reed, "Perfect Day"

So I'd use the 'I'm so busy' excuse, but Jennyo has so disabused me of that one that I just can't. So yeah. I'm too busy, but it's of my own choice: yeah, I work long hours, but I also play hard, clocking in long hours at the bar or at Jen's or somewhere else, enjoying myself.

Work hard, play hard, right?

But tonight wasn't too bad. Worked my eight hours, did a little more doing piecework, then hung out at the shop for a while with Pete and Andrea and Joe and Elma, and a little Gary. Went by Jen's to see her, but she was off somewhere. Came home to the ranch, because we were going to go spotlighting for Marston, since he's going back to San Diego this weekend. Get here, got beer, got ammo, got vehicles.... Joe and Elma geek out, deciding to watch Amelia instead, but Marston brought Sunshine, who is a cool girl. We go out and do the routine, go up to the rocks to drink first, waiting to hear some howls... but hours later, we're still up there, and haven't heard shit, and Marston and Sunshine are conked out, so we decided to pack it in and go home. So right now, it's early early in the morning, I'm typing on the couch, Ray's at Sara's, and the two are sleeping it off on my bed (since it's a double). In Elko, you have to make your own fun.

Which I laugh at, but really? Hanging out on the ranch, on the cliffs, drinking beer and bullshitting with friends? It really doesn't get too much better. If I had my girl up there with me, sure. Other than that? It's the life.


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