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19 August 2002 - 12:21 a.m.

Listening: the Ramones, "Pet Cemetary"

Woke up late today. Well, not so late that it caused any problems, but late, and it felt good. Rolled out of bed, tried to figure out what I was going to do today. It's a Monday, so everyone that works at AHV is off, which means that I'd either be doing construction down at the shop, or building the saffron field out here at the ranch. Called up Gary at the shop, found out that the metal cloth for the field wasn't in, but that he was not so happy about a fuck-up we made in dry-walling the last wall. So decided, I'd let Chip and Marston work on the wall, while me and Ray would stay out here.

Hard work. See, the field's gotta be weeded, but you can't just disc all the stuff under, so we gotta pick it by hand. Jen had gotten some done already, but I spent about five hours pulling all that shit up in the mid-day sun. Proud of myself, too. Ended up getting half the field done. Pulled the Volvo up so I could listen to the CD player, which was nice, except it filled the damn car with dust. Tradeoff, I guess. I don't know what we're going to do with the big piles of weeds, but we'll see. I'd love to burn them, but the fire danger's too high, and besides, Gary's the president of the Ryndon Volunteer Fire Department, so I think that'll be a no-go.

Tired and wore out, went back downtown. Washed the car, ran some errands, went to the shop. Stayed a while, sucking songs out of the badass connection they have, and now it's almost time for bed. Night night.


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